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Le gâteau sous la cerise
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4 février 2007

where were you?

woua j'ai trouvé ce quizz sur un blog. Alors je vais le faire et même en anglais, tiens, ça me changera!

1) Where were you when Armstrong first walked on the Moon?

Héhé, that was exactly 10 years day for day before my birth. :-)

2) Where were you when you heard Princess Di had died?

I was in Strasbourg coming back home from Austria to Montpellier (where I lived before). I had a connexion there and read about her Death in the tabloïds. I was not sad. I didnot think it was going to change anything in my life and to say the truth I haven't understood the mess her Death did. In the following hours I took the night train Francfort-Perpignan and organised a "party" with my neighbours in the "couchette". Train-bedrooms neighbours. We were between 15 and 20 yo and the other travellers were really nice as they did not complained at all. That's a sweet memory and one of my best train travel ever. :)

3) Where were you on New Year’s Eve of 1999/2000?

I was in bed, sick with 39,5°C fever and back from a quick visit at the hospital. Visit we never paid as when my dad and I went to the cashier service, they told that they closed it in adavance in case the bug of 2000 destroys computers. Primo: nothing happened and Secundo: they completely forgot us. :-)

4) Where were you on Sept.11, 2001?

I was in Paris and the evening I was invited at a party at a friend's place. When he came to pick me up at the station in Chaville, he asked me: " Hey you know what happened in New York?" Of course I didn't. So we went to the party and watched the scene a good part of the evening but we just changed the channel to dance and drink as it was beforehand planned.

5) Where were you when you first heard about the big 2004 Tsunami?

I was at my parents place in the living room watching the news on TV. We were told that 400 (!!) persons died in a little (!!) tsunami. We just wondered that little seems an inappropriate word for a tsunami and we could expect far more than 400 deads. Then on the next day we started having pictures of what really happened and had pity for people.

6) Where were you when you first heard that Madonna would go on tour last year?

She went on tour, really?? I didn't know yet

(parce qu'il est sympa ce questionnaire)<br /> <br /> Bon, j'ose prendre le droit... pire je réponds en français.<br /> <br /> 1)J'étais dans l'univers, dans l'attente que ma maman et les spermatos de ce qui me sert de père, me choisissent. Du coup, je m'en souviens plus très bien!<br /> <br /> 2)C'était un dimanche matin, je m'en souviens très bien. Mes grands parents m'emmenaient à la messe et on avait allumé la télé et on n'en revenait pas<br /> <br /> 3)Un super souvenir. On avait 15 ans et on était une bande potes. On a fêté le nouvel an chez ma puce, elle avait la maison pour elle et on s'est éclatés!!! Avec une belle cuite au Kir!!!!<br /> <br /> 4)J'étais lycéenne et j'avais pas cours. Je bossai dans ma chambre avec la télé en fond sonore quand y a eu un flah info. j'ai plus quitté la télé de toute la journée. j'étais choquée, effrayée par tant d'horreur!<br /> <br /> 5)Je m'en souviens plus. Me souviens juste des images qu'on a vu de la catastrophe et de la misère et du désarroi<br /> <br /> 6) Euh Madonna qu'est ce qu'elle vient foutre là? Je devais sûrement être en voiture en train d'écouter la radio...
Le gâteau sous la cerise